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ПОПЛАР   БИБЛИОТЕКА   Программы курсов Juniper  

IJOS Introduction to the Junos Operating System
JIR Junos Intermediate Routing
JMF Junos MPLS Fundamentals
JL2V Junos Layer 2 VPNs
JL3V Junos Layer 3 VPNs
AJSPR Advanced Junos Service Provider Routing
JMR Junos Multicast Routing
JCOS Junos Class of Service
JSPX Junos Service Provider Switching
J-IPv6 Junos IP version 6
JTNOC Junos Troubleshooting in the NOC
JSM Junos Subscriber Management
JSR Junos Segment Routing
ADCX Data Center Fabric with EVPN and VXLAN
AJER Advanced Junos Enterprise Routing
AJEX Advanced Junos Enterprise Switching
JEX Junos Enterprise Switching
IJAUT Introduction to Junos Platform Automation and DevOps
JAUT Junos Platform Automation and DevOps
AJAUT Advanced Junos Platform Automation and DevOps
MSRN MPLS and Segment Routing Automation using NorthStar
NA-WAN Network Automation in the WAN
CAC Cloud Automation Using Contrail
EMCC Enterprise Multicloud Automation and Orchestration Using Contrail
SD-CSO SD-WAN with Contrail Service Orchestration
JNCIE-DC Self-Study Bundle
IJSEC Introduction to Juniper Security
JSEC Juniper Security
AJSEC Advanced Juniper Security
JESS Junos Edge Security Services
IJSA Implementing Juniper Networks Secure Analytics
JSE Junos Space Essentials
JS-SD Junos Space-Security Director
JS-ND Junos Space-Network Director
JCF Juniper Cloud Fundamentals
JCNAA Juniper Cloud Networking with AWS and Azure
ROKD Red Hat OpenShift Kubernetes Docker in Juniper Cloud Deployments
JNCIE-Cloud Self-Study Bundle
JNDF Juniper Networks Design Fundamentals
JND-SP Juniper Networks Design - Service Provider
JND-DC Juniper Networks Design - Data Center
JND-SEC Juniper Networks Design - Security
MIST Juniper Mist AI-Driven Networks

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